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Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Tetsuya Interview at Gocha Maze Part 2

Gocha Maze
Credit to :

Bobby renames the show to "Bobby's room!"
TETSUYA is quickly scolded into resuming his "guest" role so he can't complain XD

Joshima is still out so Bobby's takeover continues.
He asks the others if they want to pick a different leader but TETSUYA's only response is to pun and pun some more, so Bobby stays in charge.

Bobby: I think we went too far last week.
TETSUYA: I heard the ratings were fantastic!
Bobby doesn't believe him though, and tells Nao and Banana to do a better job this week.

TETSUYA: Well I can't show the audience your confused face so I might as well show them your confused voice~

Bobby asks Nao what she wants to do, and ends up getting a lesson on how Japanese people don't directly say what they want, except when they do (Banana and Nao give him contradictory lessons XD)

Bobby tries to use the example of how she got to go to the L'Arc lives but of course Banana sidetracks the talk.
Ultimately Nao admits that since she doesn't hate Bobby, she has to say she likes him.

TETSUYA: The question is, how serious is Bobby?
Nao: Yeah, I have no idea how serious he is.
TETSUYA: If you break up with your girlfriends in Singapore and London and Jakarta she'll know you're serious.
Bobby: But I don't HAVE girlfriends in those cities!
TETSUYA: Where does your girlfriend live then?
Bobby: GAAAAH.
TETSUYA: I have a hard time telling when you're serious, too. :/

TETSUYA then points out that Bobby has a wife but he answers that he's not serious in THAT sense.
He just seriously wants to take Nao golfing and be friends.

Then somehow they start talking about zebras and giraffes and the sleeping habits thereof.
Apparently zebras never sleep. ...

Bobby: I'm just sad that you don't understand me...
Nao: Hmmm
TETSUYA: I don't understand you either, and if I don't understand you then Nao has no chance.
Bobby: I really thought we had an understanding here.
TETSUYA: Everything you say sounds like a joke! Is it just because you're shy?

They discuss Bobby's image and provide suggestions on how he can be taken more seriously.
much EEEH ensues.

TETSUYA: When people finally agree with me, I get tired of them. By the time they say yes I don't wanna do whatever it was anymore.

Bobby tells them how he learned to approach people from many different angles, because back when he first moved to Japan, he couldn't express himself in Japanese very well so he had to repeat himself in many different ways to get through to people. So now that's how he deals with people.

He tells them a story about how he once met a girl who was crying in the street, and even though they couldn't understand each other, he conforted her and they eventually became friends as his Japanese got better.
TETSUYA and Nao are amazed that this sort of communication works.

Then he has another story that TETSUYA manages to misunderstand into thinking Bobby was hitting on a guy...
TETSUYA: Bobby, you go both ways!?
Bobby: NO! No. I was flirting with a woman, but she told me to stop because I'm the same age as her son. I wasn't hitting on the son.

TETSUYA then points out that he is the guest and Bobby is taking over the show, which is unfair.
Bobby: But it's my show now.
TETSUYA: Where does it say "Bobby's Gocha Maze"?
Bobby: It's Bobby's junction. And if you want to talk, then TALK. You're not really a guest after all.
Bobby threatens to cry if Banana keeps teasing him :p

They go to a song.

- SONG of random -

Fanmail time!
They are finally organised enough to do some real show stuff XD

1. From a fan who went to Kouchi prefecture to visit a friend and made a boyfriend there. Do the hosts have sweet summer memories like that?

TETSUYA: Making a boyfriend on holiday...
Bobby: Is a holiday boyfriend a real thing?
TETSUYA: Sure. You get a chance to meet people and flirt in a way you wouldn't normally, especially at festivals.

Bobby expresses interest in going to festivals to flirt but TETSUYA reminds him again that he is married.
They then agree to drop it and all laugh XD
Bobby encourages Nao to go to festivals to flirt instead.

Back to the actual question...

Nao hasn't been to any festivals lately.
There's a brief digression as Bobby doesn't think fireworks count as festivals but TETSUYA wins as he insists they do, so the question widens.

Nao went to a fireworks show near the SkyTree, but she doesn't want to talk about it because it's the topic of her next rakugo ^^

Bobby went to a few fireworks shows this summer too, but no "real" festivals.
Bobby: I couldn't see the fireworks very clearly though.
TETSUYA: What are you talking about ? You live in a penthouse, you have a great view.
Bobby: No I don't. I don't live in a skyscraper.
TETSUYA: Sure you do, and you drove a Lamborghini to all those festivals.
Bobby: I don't have a Lamborghini I have a Ferrari
Nao: Aha!

Bobby starts complaining that his house isn't a high-rise like Banana keeps implying
TETSUYA: Oh sorry, if the public finds out where you live the value of the neighbourhood will go down. Sorry!

Then Banana remembers that he did go to a festival in July, but he won't share the details because "it's private"
Bobby: You didn't go to any festivals did you!?

TETSUYA won't specify though.

Bobby then asks if there are any winter festivals.

TETSUYA: Well I know there are some in autumn, like next month there's the Hikawa Jinja festival.
(Bird: That's the shrine from Sailor Moon, I'm not even kidding)

TETSUYA: There's also that penis festival, I'm not sure but I think it's soon.

Bobby doesn't believe him that the penis festival exists. (It does. SOAP went.)

This leads into talking about adulthood in Nigeria and how it works. It's very different from Japan's coming-of-age at 20 years old.

Then they talk about dangerous festivals and how in some places, even if you want to join in, you can't because it takes too much training.

At long last, they get to song time~

- TOKIO song -

More fanmail!
2. (I missed the main part of the question)

The hosts get stuck having to sing a little song.
Bobby gets DINGED for missing notes, but then TETSUYA doesn't even know the lyrics and doesn't get dinged at all XD

They discuss the lyrics, or at least what they think the lyrics are. Nao seems to be the only one who knows what the song is actually about, so Banana makes jokes wherever he can. It's something about a mountain, sung to the tune of "yankee doodle".

Then they look it up and find that it's about the Japanese alps, not the Alps alps.
Banana is disappointed that it's not about Switzerland.
Nao then reveals that it's a relatively recent kids song made by adapting the old tune.
TETSUYA: So if someone just made up Japanese lyrics... my version is just as valid!! Lalala~ Whatever~

Then Banana gets confused about whether the original English song was also about the Japanese alps (it's not) and Bobby tries to clear that up..
Anyway, they go to a proper song soon enough ^^

TETSUYA: Let's have a song. I mean MY song.

- In My HEART -

Bobby tries to sing the English version of Yankee Doodle but he doesn't have anything even close to the melody XD
TETSUYA tries to work with him by providing the melody so Bobby can sing along, but it fails.

Bobby: Anyway, the English lyrics don't make sense.
He tries to explain what the lyrics mean and has trouble.

TETSUYA: I think "calling him macaroni" means he looks Italian. Italian style is called macaroni.
(Birdnote: TETSUYA is right, the song is not as nonsensical as Bobby seems to think. At least not the first verse)

They then wonder how come everyone seems to know the Japanese version, and Nao remembers it being associated with a kids hand-game.
So they do that (well, we hear a lot of clapping) until the end!

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