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Jumat, 21 September 2012

Tetsuya Interview at Gocha Maze Part 4

Gocha Maze!
Credit to:

Post-Inazuma GOCHA!!

Bobby does the intro, as "Welcome to Bobby's room!"

Bobby and his two "guests" are still doing the whole show.
Or so it seems!
Joshima arrives just a minute or so less.

Joshima: I wasn't sure what to do when I saw Bobby sitting in my seat.

TETSUYA: He took over the show.

Joshima asks how it went and who the guests were, but gets conflicting information. TETSUYA says "Don't ask about the guests!" while Bobby tries to explain that he and Nao WERE the guests XD

Then Bobby gets smart and blames all the chaos on "TETSUKO-SAN" who was uncooperative and only talked while the songs were playing :p

Nao: Every time I tried to talk Bobby kept talking over the conversation.

Bobby: But it's TETSUYA-san's fault!
TETSUYA: It's because we're so close!

Bobby also explains about last week with the fireworks rakugo and how he got his feelings hurt by Banana. Who acts innocent.

Joshima: I want to get the guest treatment too.

He sounds impressed at how much they talked with just the three of them being there.
TETSUYA: I wonder what the listeners think...
Bobby: I'm glad you're here, the listeners will be glad to have you as a guest.

Bobby then starts interviewing Joshima, who claims to be a rice farmer who gets up at 5 am to work outside in the fresh air all day.

Bobby: You're a lot like TETSUYA-san.
Joshima: Yeah, I'm trying to cultivate a deserted island now.

Bobby asks what he does on the weekends, and Joshima answers "grocery shopping. all weekend long."

Joshima: I make curry then freeze it to last the whole week.

Bobby then asks the "guests" if they watched the soccer and it dissolves into laughter as they aren't sure which of them he was asking.

TETSUYA saw the game against Nigeria that Bobby was interested in.
TETSUYA: Which team do you cheer for, Bobby?
Bobby: Japan of course.
TETSUYA: Eh? Really?

Since it's women's soccer and Japan is more involved in it, he cheers the Japanese team.

It's more important on a world level to have Japan do well, according to Bobby.

Apparently soccer is the only sport that's popular in Nigeria, but even that doesn't extend to the women's team very much.

Bobby: Why do we always talk about me?

Joshima: Because we don't know anything about Nigeria so we're interested in your stories.

For proof, they ask him to reverse the question. Of course, all three of them like Japan :p

It's revealed that Bobby doesn't get much work with TV because he's terrible about sticking to the scripts.

TETSUYA: That's why you're perfect for radio.
They point out to him that MBS has something like 1/3rd of all the radio listeners in Japan (and it's just a local Kansai station, not broadcast in other areas!) so being an MBS radio personality is really cool.

Then Joshima and TETSUYA reminice about programs they used to listen to and Bobby laughs.

Bobby will become a part of the local culture, at least for this time slot.

They then end up talking about the many nuances of "Daijoubu" and how it can be used even when things are definitely not OK.

(I think the same is true of many languages. "It's fine" in the right tone means "it's definitely NOT fine")

Then Bobby's phone rings XD They reprimand him for having it on during the show, but he says it's the fault of the person who called him.

Bobby: OF course it's not my fault! What do you guys do?
TETSUYA: I turn it off.
Joshima: I leave it outside.
Bobby sounds honestly surprised to hear that. Apparently the call was from family in Nigeria, so they decide that he can call back (we even hear staff tell him so) during the show ^^

Bobby: Is it really OK? I won't be talking in Japanese...

They all say it's OK so he calls.
TETSUYA "interprets".
TETSUYA: Porn, Porn~ It's about porn.

The call is brief, and Bobby then explains that he was saying "ello, ello", not "ero ero" and told the person that he was in the middle of a show and would call back.

They accept that and go to a song.

- random song -

Fanmail time! Bobby directs Nao to read it and everyone laughs at his strange voice ^^;

1. From a fan writing on the way back from a TOKIO live :3 They took their kid to the live and apparently the son got an autograph from Joshima the previous tour. :3

Joshima is very happy to hear about these fans. Then he realises a lot of his fans from the early days are out of school and having kids by now...

(He neither confirms nor denies remembering this particular family)

Joshima: I've even seen three generations come, like when a parent and kid were early fans and now the kid is old enough to have kids of their own.

Apparently there's a TOKIO live screening in a movie theatre coming up
They ask about L'Arc live-screenings since they've done this several times, and TETSUYA says they've all been successful.

Bobby then asks about Japanese movie manners and how nobody throws popcorn or laughs out loud in Japan.

TETSUYA: Well there's no reason to laugh in our concerts... or maybe there is, but that's OK.
(Bird: Yeah, there's ken's MCs. Always lols)

They explain to Bobby how live-screening works - the people in the movie theatre are watching the same concert as people at the concert venue, except they're doing it in a theatre instead. It's live and it's music, not a movie.

Apparently there are a lot of things TOKIO is not allowed to talk about when there's a screening like that.

Joshima: Well, this is a big one at Budokan, and a lot of important sponsors will be there so, we have to be extra careful.

Bobby: But .. what if people just decide to go to the movie theatre instead of going to your concert?

TETSUYA: Generally it's people who want to go to the concert but couldn't get tickets.
Joshima then talks about how people can't always travel to concerts, and how sometimes there are encores that only happen live so it's important to watch what you can.

They also talk about how the Do'L fans love their concerts XD

TETSUYA: The Final lives of the world tour were tough since we completely changed the setlist. It was hard on us too! But if we don't change anything it's boring for the fans.
Bobby: Where are you going on next year's world tour?
TETSUYA: Next year? There's no world tour next year... You wouldn't have the olympics every year, would you?

They then go to a song.

- TOKIO song, interrupted with flood/landslide warnings for the south part of Kansai -

More letters! Bobby instructs Joshima to read it. It's funny because Bobby is still leading XD

2. From a fan who wants to know what's going on with Bobby's movie/radio drama from a few weeks ago, and if it's happening, who would Bobby cast?

Bobby: Wow, people remember that?

TETSUYA: Well, it aired. Weren't you serious?
Bobby: Well I am.. but it's scary!

Since this happened while Joshima was away, they have to fill him in.

Bobby asks if TETSUYA will actually help out like he said.

TETSUYA: That depends, are you going to pay me? I'm an expensive, world-touring artist.
Bobby: I can pay you in friendship.
TETSUYA: Do I get to be in the movie?
Bobby: Sure.
TETSUYA: Then I'll think about it.

Bobby seems interested in having TETSUYA contribute as a sponsor, though :p

TETSUYA: So I'd have to pay you to be in the movie?!

Bobby recaps the story for Joshima's benefit (see the archives, this is from about a month ago)

TETSUYA throws around some prices for making such a movie.

Along the lines of 210 billion yen.
Bobby: .. Zimbabwe dollars?
TETSUYA: Japanese yen.
Bobby: I've never even seen a number that big!

TETSUYA: Well you know, given the story you're describing, I think it would cost a lot.

He gives out the production cost of Titanic for comparison, to make Bobby feel better :p
Other points of comparison include Pirates of the Caribbean and the like XD

TETSUYA: It might be a little cheaper since CG technology has gotten much better since then.

He explains that it's expensive, for example, to get a permit to block traffic for filming, and to rent helicopters for aerial shots, and so on.

TETSUYA: I can't see myself in a movie without helicopters.

TETSUYA then looks up how much it costs to hire some actors to decide how much to charge Bobby for his appearance in a movie XD

TETSUYA: I'll do it for about 30 billion yen 8D

Joshima then has a great cost saving suggestion: Film it on cell phones!

He is agreeable for discussing this some more next week, but now they have to go to a song.

- Fantastic Wonders -

There's an advert for a Gocha Maze/DokiDoki/PakuTama special live recording in Mie Prefecture on 10/13. (advert is read by Bobby)

It will feature Bobby, Takanori, and a bunch of people from other Gocha slots.
(Bird: That's so far out of the way... but live recording! but... but... I'LL THINK ABOUT IT)

That takes us right to the ending!

Joshima is thrown off by Bobby taking the first spot of the outro xD

Maybe it will be back to what passes for normal by next week ^^

tetsuowl : (tetsu fans)
TETSUYA "interprets".
TETSUYA: Porn, Porn~ It's about porn.


The call is brief, and Bobby then explains that he was saying "ello, ello", not "ero ero" and told the person that he was in the middle of a show and would call back

everyone had a go at saying "ello"--Nao-chan did very well, but for Banana it just kept coming our "ero" :D

TETSUYA: That depends, are you going to pay me? I'm an expensive, world-touring artist.

aww--he IS!!! and a CUTE, expensive, world-touring artist at that :D

TETSUYA: I can't see myself in a movie without helicopters.

oh most certainly. no helicopters you may as well not make the movie at all.."

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