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Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Tetsuya Interview at Gocha Maze Part 3

Gocha Maze
Credit to :
Joshima is still away!

Right at the start, Bobby thanks his "guests" for having been so nice so far XD
Bobby: Please say a few words.

TETSUYA: Hello I am TETSUYA from L'Arc~en~Ciel and I work at the bass.
Bobby: Oh you work!

They then tease each other as Bobby says Banana looks like a singer and Banana deliberately misunderstands his words 8D

Then Nao introduces herself as an actress and Bobby squees over her XD

Then they try to figure out if summer vacation is over yet. Nao says not, so they discuss summer vacation.
TETSUYA: I'd work! Oh, is this about what we -want- to do?

Nao: If I had a month off I'd take a trip overseas.
Bobby: When I had summer vacations I thought it was such a waste of time.
TETSUYA: Don't talk about yourself we're not done talking about Nao!

Banana then scolds Bobby for being a bad host and asks hostish questions himself, like where does she want to go.
But it turns into a "how to lead a show" lesson for Bobby.
TETSUYA: This is your chance! You have to turn this into your own show while the real leader's not here!
Bobby: But if it goes too well the producers will get mad
TETSUYA: Good point, you're the biggest problem MBS has right now. That's a good thing!

ANYWAY back to Nao's dream trip, she says she wants to go to Europe, so Banana tells Bobby to ask her which countries.
Nao: I most want to go to Austria.
TETSUYA: Austria! That's not Australia! NOW ASK HER WHY SHE WANTS TO GO THERE.
Bobby: Why do you want to go to Austria?
Nao: Because I admire a choir from there and want to join it.

She insists she can't sing by herself and Bobby shoots down TETSUYA's suggestion for the three of them to become a Gocha Choir.
TETSUYA "helps" Bobby do the interview and "helps" Nao answer it XD

They wonder if the Viennese choir that Nao likes has concerts open to the public that she could go to on her hypothetical summer vacation.
Bobby: If you really want to go, I'd help you.. You really want to go right?
Nao: Yes, but..
Bobby: But you're busy? But your job is fun so that's ok. You can go there next year.

Bobby thinks she should go to a warmer country like Spain while she's young, and save Austria for when she gets old.
Banana and Nao are puzzled by this suggestion.
Bobby starts to explain that every man has to go to Spain, but Nao points out that she is not a man so Bobby apologises.
Bobby: Sorry, it's a figure of speech, and we have this generation gap.
TETSUYA: It's not a generation gap, it's a Bobby gap.

This leads Banana back into teasing Bobby's hosting and interviewing style, until Bobby gets mad :p
He ends up asking Nao which of them, TETSUYA or Bobby, is better at this radio thing.
Nao: Bobby. Because TETSUYA keeps changing the subject in weird ways.
TETSUYA: No that's Bobby! Every week we end up talking about you.

So since Bobby is told they talk about him too much, he asks TETSUYA for a random fact about himself.
TETSUYA: Hmm, ok. I don't use AC. I need to take care of my throat so I never use AC at home.
Bobby: So speaking of singing, let's go to a song.

The guys keep tease-fighting each other so Nao has to take over the song intro XD

- random song -

TETSUYA: During the song, Bobby and I had an interesting talk.
Bobby: I just want to be a normal person...
Nao: You can't.
They laugh as Bobby pretends to cry :p

Fanmail time!

1. From a fan whose dad has tons of bicycles and just now discovered the joys of cycling themselves. They can't wait for autumn to make the weather cool enough for outings!

Bobby asks Banana if he likes cycling or any outdoor sports, and Banana replies that he only likes his indoor exercise bike :p
TETSUYA: Sometimes I go running outside but then I get all sweaty, come home, and get all embarrassed when I see myself in the mirror. I look terrible in sweaty clothes D8
Bobby: But your wife washes it anyway right? When I get sweaty my wife yells that it's too smelly and I have to wash it myself.

Bobby figures Banana doesn't have that problem because if his special soft feminine skin that doesn't stink.
Nao smells him and agrees.
TETSUYA: Let's talk about something else...

Nao likes tennis and badminton as autumn sports. She used to play badminton with her family.

Then they talk about rollerblading. Nao thinks it's cool but Bobby thinks it's something people only do to impress others. It's not a real sport activity to him. Banana says he's wrong and rollerbladign is fun.

Bobby: We could have a badminton tournament on the show.
TETSUYA: it's RADIO. I think it might be a little difficult.
Bobby: Oh yeah...
TETSUYA: How about table tennis? It makes noise, I think it would work.

Banana explains that in his family, there's been a table-tennis boom and when he visited in August his niece and nephew made him play and he got all sweaty and they beat him xD

Bobby asks him about his racket but TETSUYA has no idea what he's talking about.
TETSUYA: I just used the one that came with the set.
Bobby: I took a table-tennis class back in Nigeria, you know.
TETSUYA: Did you take it just to hit on women?
Bobby: No, that's not what it's for.
TETSUYA: But table tennis is so popular.
Bobby: Maybe if we find a table tennis bar.

Then Bobby asks if they would really play with him, as he wants a deeper relationship with his co-hosts.
TETSUYA: But we have a deep relationship. Leader and I go for dinner and stuff.
Bobby: But why won't you invite me?!
TETSUYA: You live too far... and you have a family and everything.

Bobby: I just want a closer relationship with everyone... but aren't we supposed to be talking about sports?

They suggest going bowling, which is completely impossible to do on the air of course.

Then Bobby reveals that he gets up at 5 every morning for 6 am soccer games. It's mixed adults and kids, so he plays with his family.
Bobby: I can only do this now because I'm jet lagged. If it weren't for jet lag I'd never get up in time.

TETSUYA starts teasing him again so Bobby declares that they'll go to a song! But only if Nao is ready to do her Rakugo when they get back.
She is, so TETSUYA presents the song.

- EDEN -

Bobby introduces Nao for her Rakugo corner, with help from TETSUYA in complementing the music. (It is SPECIAL)

This week, her rakugo is about fireworks!
Specifically, it's about going to a restaurant with a great view of a fireworks exhibit, and involves "firework sound effects" as she tries to take pictures.
She ends up missing all the cool fireworks as she is either fussing with the camera or eating the food while the cool ones go off.
Her companion eats all the food and sees all the ridiculous fireworks, while Nao misses everything D8

When it's over, she tells them it's based on a true story.
Bobby: You're too fancy, trying to do everything at once.
TETSUYA: Can I have the name of that restaurant?
She says she'll tell him after, but with a warning that it took reservations a month in advance.

Bobby: But.. why is it so hard to take pictures of fireworks?
Nao: Well, in real life I got a few pictures.. and I saw it with my eyes.
Bobby: Oh good, so you did get to see it.
Nao: Yes, it turned out okay ^^

She shoes them the pics and Bobby is all shocked that the friend she was with is a guy.
Bobby: You're CHEATING on me!!
TETSUYA: Bobby, you're not dating her. This is her date, and after fireworks she got different fireworks in her bed
TETSUYA: Am I in trouble? 8D

Nao refuses to give the name of her friend on the radio.
Nao: We're not dating anyway.
Bobby: Am I in a one-sided relationship here?
TETSUYA: One sided?
Bobby: That's a real word. Why don't you take me seriously?
Nao: You're asking why TETSUYA-san doesn't take you seriously?
TETSUYA: I'm seriously being silly.

Then the talk devolves into TETSUYA doing firework sound effects of his own and they are fantastic.

As Bobby persists in his complaint, TETSUYA has this to say;
TETSUYA: You're just adorable when you're getting teased, so I have to tease you! If you really want it to stop you'll have to get mad.
They all laugh and Bobby manages to get across that he doesn't like -all- the teasing so TETSUYA apologizes
(They are still laughing the whole time though)

Song time!

Bobby apologizes for picking on Nao. Seems apologies and laughter lasted during the song XD

Bobby: I hope you'll get better when Joshima comes back!
Bobby apologizes to the listeners this time, and TETSUYA says Joshima will be back soon so the listeners don't have to be patient much longer.

They then team-apologize (with laughter) to the audience for the ending.

nanani 's Comment
That's it! Completely ridiculous radio is completely ridiculous ^-^

By the way everyone, it was just announced that our dear Banana will be on IENOMI!! at the end of this month, specifically on 9/27 (thursday) at 22:50.
Yes, -that- IENOMI!!, Takanori's streaming web show~~
Right between their respective birthdays, too.
Fruit weeks are Fruity.

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