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Sabtu, 22 September 2012

Tetsuya Interview at Gocha Maze Part 1

Gocha Maze

Credit to :

Bobby does the opening~
He presents TETSUYA and Nao as guests XD
Seems Joshima is absent so Bobby took over.

TETSUYA: Hi, I'm Ciel from L'Arc and Ciel.
Bobby: OH WOW you're a comedy duo! How wonderful!

They laugh.

Bobby: Now please stoop lying.
TETSUYA: But I'm not lying? Don't you know me? Gozonji?

Bobby has no idea what the Gozonji joke is Xd;;

TETSUYA: Thank you for having me on your show, I've been listening to it since I was a kid and it was a dream to come on here~

Nao then tries to introduce herself more normally, or at least more realistically, but TETSUYA keeps GOZONJI-ing over her and making puns, like between "drama" and "drummer".

Bobby thinks a lot of actresses lie about their ages, but TETSUYA thinks they only lie about their measurements.
Nao lies about neither - her sizes are an honest secret :3

So yeah. It's August and it's chaos on this show.
Bobby tries to ask about summer heat and gets nothing but puns and deliberate misunderstanding from Banana.
TETSUYA: Eh? I'm making your gocha maze show more gocha gocha! 8D

Bobby: So, Ciel-san, what were you doing when you were 22 like her?
TETSUYA: I was already in L'Arc, I think. Yeah, I was.

The guys agree that at 22, it's important to believe that you can do anything. Because at that age, you really can.
However, Nao disagrees because as early as 20 she had figured that, for example, she would never be a singer.
Banana disagrees.

TETSUYA: When I was 22, I didn't think I could sing either. But I can.
Bobby: You can always learn things.

Some further intersection of puns leads them to talking about writing a movie.
Bobby has a script he wants his "guests" to read XD;

TETSUYA: If it's interesting, I might be in it...
But it seems Bobby has no idea how the finance side of movie making works so he is confused when Banana asks how he'll pay for it.
Bobby: In Nigeria, the actors pay to be in the movie and then make money back if it gets popular.
TETSUYA: So what if it flops?
Bobby: It won't. Think about?
TETSUYA: It depends on how good your script is. If it's interesting I might... write you a theme song.

Bobby sounds confident that he can write a story that has never been seen in Japan before :3
He can't explain the details because it takes too long and, if he tells the whole plot on the radio, it will spoil the audience XD

TETSUYA: OK so how about you make it a radio play? If it's good we'll get it turned into a movie! So make a radio drama first.
Bobby thinks it's a good idea but he wants them to come to his house for planning meetings first. Or rather, he wants Nao to come...

Then they start discussing how long to make it and whether to split it up into multiple parts and so on.
Bobby: I'm so glad my guests tonight are actors 8D

Bobby then proves to them that he really does carry around notebooks wherever he does, to work on his future movie.
The only things Banana can read in it are numbers and prices and names :p
Bobby: Stop reading that! I have a Japanese version too.
TETSUYA: OH. You really wrote it!

In a more serious tone, TETSUYA says that this might actually turn into something. But first, he has to read it and make sure it's good.

Song time!
- random song -

Bobby: This might come as a shock to the listeners, but Joshima-san is absent this week.
TETSUYA: Wow really? I had no idea, it's my first time here 8D

More seriously, they figure he's probably on tour with TOKIO. Or maybe enjoying summer.. or more likely, working.

So "guest" Banana reads fanmail xD With a FLOURISH~

1. From a fan who was inspired by Nao's onsen story to take a trip alone all the way from Osaka, up north to Hokkaido, stopping at random spots along the way. Do the hosts have recommendations for places to go? They are doing this trip alone.

Bobby gets hung up on the mention of "seishun 18 tickets" from the letter, so TETSUYA has to explain to him what it is (it sounds like he's reading ithe explanation from wikipedia) ^^
Anyway, the 18-tickets are NOT reserved to 18 year olds, so the fan is not necessarily 18 like Bobby first thought.

In fact all of them are pretty confused about how the tickets actually WORK so they try to figure out where the fan could actually go.
These tickets allow unlimited access to non-express trains for a whole day, so they could stop at random little towns and still make it far north.

Bobby doesn't get the appeal of traveling alone like that, but Banana does understand the idea of aimless wandering.
TETSUYA: You could just stop at any cute little town you passed by.

Bobby's recommendation is still, to travel with someone else :p

TETSUYA recommends morning markets for the fresh seafood, especially once you actually get to Hokkaido.
He also remembers a town in Iwate, or possibly Aomori, where he did a live outdoors once. It's called Happikougen (?)
TETSUYA: I just know it was within driving distance of Sendai, and we went during the Grand Cross tour. That was 1999.

TETSUYA: Back then I listened to this show, like I've been doing since middle school 8D

He also says something about the boss's miniskirt-wearing secretary, but in that 8D laughing 8D voice that strongly suggests he's saying random things to bother Bobby. Bobby has no idea what he's talking about anyway.

They know a lot of places to go in Fukushima, which is just a couple of hours north of Tokyo so it's day-trip distance.
Banana keeps bothering Bobby by disturbing the talk with random puns.

Bobby: DEAR GUEST Please be serious!
TETSUYA: I'm seriously being silly.
Bobby: How can you be so silly dressed so stylishly?
TETSUYA: My style hides my silliness.
He laughs.

Bobby protests that all this nonsense is preventing the listener from getting their question answered.
So they try again.

Nao has never spent much time traveling in Hokkaido so she hasn't got much to recommend about it.

After much difficulty, they make it to the next song~
- TETSUYA - Roulette -

This week we get another Rakugo corner~
Banana cheers XD

This time, Nao's story is about her make-up artist using a hair to clean her eyes o.O
It ends with a pun about her make-up artist being an eye (me) goddess (me-gami); (me for eye, also hair is "kami" which becomes -gami)

The eye-cleaning techinique really exists and it really works, and it doesn't hurt but tickles a little.

Bobby: I want to try it but I don't have any hair to try it with D8
TETSUYA: Use your wife's hair?
They discuss it a bit more and conclude that it's better not to try it at home, since her makeup artist had a lot of practice.

Anyway, Bobby thought the pun was between make-up and eyes, and missed the meaning of "megami"
They try to figure out a way to express the same joke in Bobby-glish but since Nao and TETSUYA speak only Japanese, Bobby is on his own XD

Nao then asks about how Bobby hurt his leg a little while ago.
Bobby doesn't remember telling them about it, but they clearly know about his injury.
Bobby: You might be surprised, but I have amazing healing power.
But then he presumably shows them the injury and both of them go "OW OW OW OW" for a minute ^^;
Whatever it is, it must be PAINFUL.

Song time!
- TOKIO song -

Bobby has an announcement: Joshima will miss next week too, so he has to keep leading for another episode 8D
TETSUYA: How are we going to survive?
Bobby: Do-S? Do-M? Do-L?
TETSUYA: This show is a mess.
Bobby: What do you mean, a mess?! I worked hard to keep it together.

Nao thinks the radio play they discussed has potential, so Bobby asks her if she can do different character voices. She can XD
TETSUYA: I can be in it too. See? I can talk.

They goof off saying "Konnichiwa" in a bunch of different voices.
Bobby especially likes Banana's "breathy deep voice".

TETSUYA: Let's do this. I want to use this voice.
Bobby: I just need a theme song from you.
TETSUYA: But I want a role D8

Bobby can do different voices too, but the others don't agree that his voices sound any different ^^;
Bobby: Maybe I can't change my voice after all D8

TETSUYA: You sound like one guy changing his voice, not like different characters.
Bobby gains a new respect for voice actors.

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