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Sabtu, 22 September 2012

L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour Photo by MyIDOL Special Edition (Bangkok)

L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour Photo by MyIDOL Special Edition (Hongkong)


Tetsuya Interview at Gocha Maze Part 1

Gocha Maze

Credit to :

Bobby does the opening~
He presents TETSUYA and Nao as guests XD
Seems Joshima is absent so Bobby took over.

TETSUYA: Hi, I'm Ciel from L'Arc and Ciel.
Bobby: OH WOW you're a comedy duo! How wonderful!

They laugh.

Bobby: Now please stoop lying.
TETSUYA: But I'm not lying? Don't you know me? Gozonji?

Bobby has no idea what the Gozonji joke is Xd;;

TETSUYA: Thank you for having me on your show, I've been listening to it since I was a kid and it was a dream to come on here~

Nao then tries to introduce herself more normally, or at least more realistically, but TETSUYA keeps GOZONJI-ing over her and making puns, like between "drama" and "drummer".

Bobby thinks a lot of actresses lie about their ages, but TETSUYA thinks they only lie about their measurements.
Nao lies about neither - her sizes are an honest secret :3

So yeah. It's August and it's chaos on this show.
Bobby tries to ask about summer heat and gets nothing but puns and deliberate misunderstanding from Banana.
TETSUYA: Eh? I'm making your gocha maze show more gocha gocha! 8D

Bobby: So, Ciel-san, what were you doing when you were 22 like her?
TETSUYA: I was already in L'Arc, I think. Yeah, I was.

The guys agree that at 22, it's important to believe that you can do anything. Because at that age, you really can.
However, Nao disagrees because as early as 20 she had figured that, for example, she would never be a singer.
Banana disagrees.

TETSUYA: When I was 22, I didn't think I could sing either. But I can.
Bobby: You can always learn things.

Some further intersection of puns leads them to talking about writing a movie.
Bobby has a script he wants his "guests" to read XD;

TETSUYA: If it's interesting, I might be in it...
But it seems Bobby has no idea how the finance side of movie making works so he is confused when Banana asks how he'll pay for it.
Bobby: In Nigeria, the actors pay to be in the movie and then make money back if it gets popular.
TETSUYA: So what if it flops?
Bobby: It won't. Think about?
TETSUYA: It depends on how good your script is. If it's interesting I might... write you a theme song.

Bobby sounds confident that he can write a story that has never been seen in Japan before :3
He can't explain the details because it takes too long and, if he tells the whole plot on the radio, it will spoil the audience XD

TETSUYA: OK so how about you make it a radio play? If it's good we'll get it turned into a movie! So make a radio drama first.
Bobby thinks it's a good idea but he wants them to come to his house for planning meetings first. Or rather, he wants Nao to come...

Then they start discussing how long to make it and whether to split it up into multiple parts and so on.
Bobby: I'm so glad my guests tonight are actors 8D

Bobby then proves to them that he really does carry around notebooks wherever he does, to work on his future movie.
The only things Banana can read in it are numbers and prices and names :p
Bobby: Stop reading that! I have a Japanese version too.
TETSUYA: OH. You really wrote it!

In a more serious tone, TETSUYA says that this might actually turn into something. But first, he has to read it and make sure it's good.

Song time!
- random song -

Bobby: This might come as a shock to the listeners, but Joshima-san is absent this week.
TETSUYA: Wow really? I had no idea, it's my first time here 8D

More seriously, they figure he's probably on tour with TOKIO. Or maybe enjoying summer.. or more likely, working.

So "guest" Banana reads fanmail xD With a FLOURISH~

1. From a fan who was inspired by Nao's onsen story to take a trip alone all the way from Osaka, up north to Hokkaido, stopping at random spots along the way. Do the hosts have recommendations for places to go? They are doing this trip alone.

Bobby gets hung up on the mention of "seishun 18 tickets" from the letter, so TETSUYA has to explain to him what it is (it sounds like he's reading ithe explanation from wikipedia) ^^
Anyway, the 18-tickets are NOT reserved to 18 year olds, so the fan is not necessarily 18 like Bobby first thought.

In fact all of them are pretty confused about how the tickets actually WORK so they try to figure out where the fan could actually go.
These tickets allow unlimited access to non-express trains for a whole day, so they could stop at random little towns and still make it far north.

Bobby doesn't get the appeal of traveling alone like that, but Banana does understand the idea of aimless wandering.
TETSUYA: You could just stop at any cute little town you passed by.

Bobby's recommendation is still, to travel with someone else :p

TETSUYA recommends morning markets for the fresh seafood, especially once you actually get to Hokkaido.
He also remembers a town in Iwate, or possibly Aomori, where he did a live outdoors once. It's called Happikougen (?)
TETSUYA: I just know it was within driving distance of Sendai, and we went during the Grand Cross tour. That was 1999.

TETSUYA: Back then I listened to this show, like I've been doing since middle school 8D

He also says something about the boss's miniskirt-wearing secretary, but in that 8D laughing 8D voice that strongly suggests he's saying random things to bother Bobby. Bobby has no idea what he's talking about anyway.

They know a lot of places to go in Fukushima, which is just a couple of hours north of Tokyo so it's day-trip distance.
Banana keeps bothering Bobby by disturbing the talk with random puns.

Bobby: DEAR GUEST Please be serious!
TETSUYA: I'm seriously being silly.
Bobby: How can you be so silly dressed so stylishly?
TETSUYA: My style hides my silliness.
He laughs.

Bobby protests that all this nonsense is preventing the listener from getting their question answered.
So they try again.

Nao has never spent much time traveling in Hokkaido so she hasn't got much to recommend about it.

After much difficulty, they make it to the next song~
- TETSUYA - Roulette -

This week we get another Rakugo corner~
Banana cheers XD

This time, Nao's story is about her make-up artist using a hair to clean her eyes o.O
It ends with a pun about her make-up artist being an eye (me) goddess (me-gami); (me for eye, also hair is "kami" which becomes -gami)

The eye-cleaning techinique really exists and it really works, and it doesn't hurt but tickles a little.

Bobby: I want to try it but I don't have any hair to try it with D8
TETSUYA: Use your wife's hair?
They discuss it a bit more and conclude that it's better not to try it at home, since her makeup artist had a lot of practice.

Anyway, Bobby thought the pun was between make-up and eyes, and missed the meaning of "megami"
They try to figure out a way to express the same joke in Bobby-glish but since Nao and TETSUYA speak only Japanese, Bobby is on his own XD

Nao then asks about how Bobby hurt his leg a little while ago.
Bobby doesn't remember telling them about it, but they clearly know about his injury.
Bobby: You might be surprised, but I have amazing healing power.
But then he presumably shows them the injury and both of them go "OW OW OW OW" for a minute ^^;
Whatever it is, it must be PAINFUL.

Song time!
- TOKIO song -

Bobby has an announcement: Joshima will miss next week too, so he has to keep leading for another episode 8D
TETSUYA: How are we going to survive?
Bobby: Do-S? Do-M? Do-L?
TETSUYA: This show is a mess.
Bobby: What do you mean, a mess?! I worked hard to keep it together.

Nao thinks the radio play they discussed has potential, so Bobby asks her if she can do different character voices. She can XD
TETSUYA: I can be in it too. See? I can talk.

They goof off saying "Konnichiwa" in a bunch of different voices.
Bobby especially likes Banana's "breathy deep voice".

TETSUYA: Let's do this. I want to use this voice.
Bobby: I just need a theme song from you.
TETSUYA: But I want a role D8

Bobby can do different voices too, but the others don't agree that his voices sound any different ^^;
Bobby: Maybe I can't change my voice after all D8

TETSUYA: You sound like one guy changing his voice, not like different characters.
Bobby gains a new respect for voice actors.

Tetsuya Interview at Gocha Maze Part 2

Gocha Maze
Credit to :

Bobby renames the show to "Bobby's room!"
TETSUYA is quickly scolded into resuming his "guest" role so he can't complain XD

Joshima is still out so Bobby's takeover continues.
He asks the others if they want to pick a different leader but TETSUYA's only response is to pun and pun some more, so Bobby stays in charge.

Bobby: I think we went too far last week.
TETSUYA: I heard the ratings were fantastic!
Bobby doesn't believe him though, and tells Nao and Banana to do a better job this week.

TETSUYA: Well I can't show the audience your confused face so I might as well show them your confused voice~

Bobby asks Nao what she wants to do, and ends up getting a lesson on how Japanese people don't directly say what they want, except when they do (Banana and Nao give him contradictory lessons XD)

Bobby tries to use the example of how she got to go to the L'Arc lives but of course Banana sidetracks the talk.
Ultimately Nao admits that since she doesn't hate Bobby, she has to say she likes him.

TETSUYA: The question is, how serious is Bobby?
Nao: Yeah, I have no idea how serious he is.
TETSUYA: If you break up with your girlfriends in Singapore and London and Jakarta she'll know you're serious.
Bobby: But I don't HAVE girlfriends in those cities!
TETSUYA: Where does your girlfriend live then?
Bobby: GAAAAH.
TETSUYA: I have a hard time telling when you're serious, too. :/

TETSUYA then points out that Bobby has a wife but he answers that he's not serious in THAT sense.
He just seriously wants to take Nao golfing and be friends.

Then somehow they start talking about zebras and giraffes and the sleeping habits thereof.
Apparently zebras never sleep. ...

Bobby: I'm just sad that you don't understand me...
Nao: Hmmm
TETSUYA: I don't understand you either, and if I don't understand you then Nao has no chance.
Bobby: I really thought we had an understanding here.
TETSUYA: Everything you say sounds like a joke! Is it just because you're shy?

They discuss Bobby's image and provide suggestions on how he can be taken more seriously.
much EEEH ensues.

TETSUYA: When people finally agree with me, I get tired of them. By the time they say yes I don't wanna do whatever it was anymore.

Bobby tells them how he learned to approach people from many different angles, because back when he first moved to Japan, he couldn't express himself in Japanese very well so he had to repeat himself in many different ways to get through to people. So now that's how he deals with people.

He tells them a story about how he once met a girl who was crying in the street, and even though they couldn't understand each other, he conforted her and they eventually became friends as his Japanese got better.
TETSUYA and Nao are amazed that this sort of communication works.

Then he has another story that TETSUYA manages to misunderstand into thinking Bobby was hitting on a guy...
TETSUYA: Bobby, you go both ways!?
Bobby: NO! No. I was flirting with a woman, but she told me to stop because I'm the same age as her son. I wasn't hitting on the son.

TETSUYA then points out that he is the guest and Bobby is taking over the show, which is unfair.
Bobby: But it's my show now.
TETSUYA: Where does it say "Bobby's Gocha Maze"?
Bobby: It's Bobby's junction. And if you want to talk, then TALK. You're not really a guest after all.
Bobby threatens to cry if Banana keeps teasing him :p

They go to a song.

- SONG of random -

Fanmail time!
They are finally organised enough to do some real show stuff XD

1. From a fan who went to Kouchi prefecture to visit a friend and made a boyfriend there. Do the hosts have sweet summer memories like that?

TETSUYA: Making a boyfriend on holiday...
Bobby: Is a holiday boyfriend a real thing?
TETSUYA: Sure. You get a chance to meet people and flirt in a way you wouldn't normally, especially at festivals.

Bobby expresses interest in going to festivals to flirt but TETSUYA reminds him again that he is married.
They then agree to drop it and all laugh XD
Bobby encourages Nao to go to festivals to flirt instead.

Back to the actual question...

Nao hasn't been to any festivals lately.
There's a brief digression as Bobby doesn't think fireworks count as festivals but TETSUYA wins as he insists they do, so the question widens.

Nao went to a fireworks show near the SkyTree, but she doesn't want to talk about it because it's the topic of her next rakugo ^^

Bobby went to a few fireworks shows this summer too, but no "real" festivals.
Bobby: I couldn't see the fireworks very clearly though.
TETSUYA: What are you talking about ? You live in a penthouse, you have a great view.
Bobby: No I don't. I don't live in a skyscraper.
TETSUYA: Sure you do, and you drove a Lamborghini to all those festivals.
Bobby: I don't have a Lamborghini I have a Ferrari
Nao: Aha!

Bobby starts complaining that his house isn't a high-rise like Banana keeps implying
TETSUYA: Oh sorry, if the public finds out where you live the value of the neighbourhood will go down. Sorry!

Then Banana remembers that he did go to a festival in July, but he won't share the details because "it's private"
Bobby: You didn't go to any festivals did you!?

TETSUYA won't specify though.

Bobby then asks if there are any winter festivals.

TETSUYA: Well I know there are some in autumn, like next month there's the Hikawa Jinja festival.
(Bird: That's the shrine from Sailor Moon, I'm not even kidding)

TETSUYA: There's also that penis festival, I'm not sure but I think it's soon.

Bobby doesn't believe him that the penis festival exists. (It does. SOAP went.)

This leads into talking about adulthood in Nigeria and how it works. It's very different from Japan's coming-of-age at 20 years old.

Then they talk about dangerous festivals and how in some places, even if you want to join in, you can't because it takes too much training.

At long last, they get to song time~

- TOKIO song -

More fanmail!
2. (I missed the main part of the question)

The hosts get stuck having to sing a little song.
Bobby gets DINGED for missing notes, but then TETSUYA doesn't even know the lyrics and doesn't get dinged at all XD

They discuss the lyrics, or at least what they think the lyrics are. Nao seems to be the only one who knows what the song is actually about, so Banana makes jokes wherever he can. It's something about a mountain, sung to the tune of "yankee doodle".

Then they look it up and find that it's about the Japanese alps, not the Alps alps.
Banana is disappointed that it's not about Switzerland.
Nao then reveals that it's a relatively recent kids song made by adapting the old tune.
TETSUYA: So if someone just made up Japanese lyrics... my version is just as valid!! Lalala~ Whatever~

Then Banana gets confused about whether the original English song was also about the Japanese alps (it's not) and Bobby tries to clear that up..
Anyway, they go to a proper song soon enough ^^

TETSUYA: Let's have a song. I mean MY song.

- In My HEART -

Bobby tries to sing the English version of Yankee Doodle but he doesn't have anything even close to the melody XD
TETSUYA tries to work with him by providing the melody so Bobby can sing along, but it fails.

Bobby: Anyway, the English lyrics don't make sense.
He tries to explain what the lyrics mean and has trouble.

TETSUYA: I think "calling him macaroni" means he looks Italian. Italian style is called macaroni.
(Birdnote: TETSUYA is right, the song is not as nonsensical as Bobby seems to think. At least not the first verse)

They then wonder how come everyone seems to know the Japanese version, and Nao remembers it being associated with a kids hand-game.
So they do that (well, we hear a lot of clapping) until the end!

Tetsuya Interview at Gocha Maze Part 3

Gocha Maze
Credit to :
Joshima is still away!

Right at the start, Bobby thanks his "guests" for having been so nice so far XD
Bobby: Please say a few words.

TETSUYA: Hello I am TETSUYA from L'Arc~en~Ciel and I work at the bass.
Bobby: Oh you work!

They then tease each other as Bobby says Banana looks like a singer and Banana deliberately misunderstands his words 8D

Then Nao introduces herself as an actress and Bobby squees over her XD

Then they try to figure out if summer vacation is over yet. Nao says not, so they discuss summer vacation.
TETSUYA: I'd work! Oh, is this about what we -want- to do?

Nao: If I had a month off I'd take a trip overseas.
Bobby: When I had summer vacations I thought it was such a waste of time.
TETSUYA: Don't talk about yourself we're not done talking about Nao!

Banana then scolds Bobby for being a bad host and asks hostish questions himself, like where does she want to go.
But it turns into a "how to lead a show" lesson for Bobby.
TETSUYA: This is your chance! You have to turn this into your own show while the real leader's not here!
Bobby: But if it goes too well the producers will get mad
TETSUYA: Good point, you're the biggest problem MBS has right now. That's a good thing!

ANYWAY back to Nao's dream trip, she says she wants to go to Europe, so Banana tells Bobby to ask her which countries.
Nao: I most want to go to Austria.
TETSUYA: Austria! That's not Australia! NOW ASK HER WHY SHE WANTS TO GO THERE.
Bobby: Why do you want to go to Austria?
Nao: Because I admire a choir from there and want to join it.

She insists she can't sing by herself and Bobby shoots down TETSUYA's suggestion for the three of them to become a Gocha Choir.
TETSUYA "helps" Bobby do the interview and "helps" Nao answer it XD

They wonder if the Viennese choir that Nao likes has concerts open to the public that she could go to on her hypothetical summer vacation.
Bobby: If you really want to go, I'd help you.. You really want to go right?
Nao: Yes, but..
Bobby: But you're busy? But your job is fun so that's ok. You can go there next year.

Bobby thinks she should go to a warmer country like Spain while she's young, and save Austria for when she gets old.
Banana and Nao are puzzled by this suggestion.
Bobby starts to explain that every man has to go to Spain, but Nao points out that she is not a man so Bobby apologises.
Bobby: Sorry, it's a figure of speech, and we have this generation gap.
TETSUYA: It's not a generation gap, it's a Bobby gap.

This leads Banana back into teasing Bobby's hosting and interviewing style, until Bobby gets mad :p
He ends up asking Nao which of them, TETSUYA or Bobby, is better at this radio thing.
Nao: Bobby. Because TETSUYA keeps changing the subject in weird ways.
TETSUYA: No that's Bobby! Every week we end up talking about you.

So since Bobby is told they talk about him too much, he asks TETSUYA for a random fact about himself.
TETSUYA: Hmm, ok. I don't use AC. I need to take care of my throat so I never use AC at home.
Bobby: So speaking of singing, let's go to a song.

The guys keep tease-fighting each other so Nao has to take over the song intro XD

- random song -

TETSUYA: During the song, Bobby and I had an interesting talk.
Bobby: I just want to be a normal person...
Nao: You can't.
They laugh as Bobby pretends to cry :p

Fanmail time!

1. From a fan whose dad has tons of bicycles and just now discovered the joys of cycling themselves. They can't wait for autumn to make the weather cool enough for outings!

Bobby asks Banana if he likes cycling or any outdoor sports, and Banana replies that he only likes his indoor exercise bike :p
TETSUYA: Sometimes I go running outside but then I get all sweaty, come home, and get all embarrassed when I see myself in the mirror. I look terrible in sweaty clothes D8
Bobby: But your wife washes it anyway right? When I get sweaty my wife yells that it's too smelly and I have to wash it myself.

Bobby figures Banana doesn't have that problem because if his special soft feminine skin that doesn't stink.
Nao smells him and agrees.
TETSUYA: Let's talk about something else...

Nao likes tennis and badminton as autumn sports. She used to play badminton with her family.

Then they talk about rollerblading. Nao thinks it's cool but Bobby thinks it's something people only do to impress others. It's not a real sport activity to him. Banana says he's wrong and rollerbladign is fun.

Bobby: We could have a badminton tournament on the show.
TETSUYA: it's RADIO. I think it might be a little difficult.
Bobby: Oh yeah...
TETSUYA: How about table tennis? It makes noise, I think it would work.

Banana explains that in his family, there's been a table-tennis boom and when he visited in August his niece and nephew made him play and he got all sweaty and they beat him xD

Bobby asks him about his racket but TETSUYA has no idea what he's talking about.
TETSUYA: I just used the one that came with the set.
Bobby: I took a table-tennis class back in Nigeria, you know.
TETSUYA: Did you take it just to hit on women?
Bobby: No, that's not what it's for.
TETSUYA: But table tennis is so popular.
Bobby: Maybe if we find a table tennis bar.

Then Bobby asks if they would really play with him, as he wants a deeper relationship with his co-hosts.
TETSUYA: But we have a deep relationship. Leader and I go for dinner and stuff.
Bobby: But why won't you invite me?!
TETSUYA: You live too far... and you have a family and everything.

Bobby: I just want a closer relationship with everyone... but aren't we supposed to be talking about sports?

They suggest going bowling, which is completely impossible to do on the air of course.

Then Bobby reveals that he gets up at 5 every morning for 6 am soccer games. It's mixed adults and kids, so he plays with his family.
Bobby: I can only do this now because I'm jet lagged. If it weren't for jet lag I'd never get up in time.

TETSUYA starts teasing him again so Bobby declares that they'll go to a song! But only if Nao is ready to do her Rakugo when they get back.
She is, so TETSUYA presents the song.

- EDEN -

Bobby introduces Nao for her Rakugo corner, with help from TETSUYA in complementing the music. (It is SPECIAL)

This week, her rakugo is about fireworks!
Specifically, it's about going to a restaurant with a great view of a fireworks exhibit, and involves "firework sound effects" as she tries to take pictures.
She ends up missing all the cool fireworks as she is either fussing with the camera or eating the food while the cool ones go off.
Her companion eats all the food and sees all the ridiculous fireworks, while Nao misses everything D8

When it's over, she tells them it's based on a true story.
Bobby: You're too fancy, trying to do everything at once.
TETSUYA: Can I have the name of that restaurant?
She says she'll tell him after, but with a warning that it took reservations a month in advance.

Bobby: But.. why is it so hard to take pictures of fireworks?
Nao: Well, in real life I got a few pictures.. and I saw it with my eyes.
Bobby: Oh good, so you did get to see it.
Nao: Yes, it turned out okay ^^

She shoes them the pics and Bobby is all shocked that the friend she was with is a guy.
Bobby: You're CHEATING on me!!
TETSUYA: Bobby, you're not dating her. This is her date, and after fireworks she got different fireworks in her bed
TETSUYA: Am I in trouble? 8D

Nao refuses to give the name of her friend on the radio.
Nao: We're not dating anyway.
Bobby: Am I in a one-sided relationship here?
TETSUYA: One sided?
Bobby: That's a real word. Why don't you take me seriously?
Nao: You're asking why TETSUYA-san doesn't take you seriously?
TETSUYA: I'm seriously being silly.

Then the talk devolves into TETSUYA doing firework sound effects of his own and they are fantastic.

As Bobby persists in his complaint, TETSUYA has this to say;
TETSUYA: You're just adorable when you're getting teased, so I have to tease you! If you really want it to stop you'll have to get mad.
They all laugh and Bobby manages to get across that he doesn't like -all- the teasing so TETSUYA apologizes
(They are still laughing the whole time though)

Song time!

Bobby apologizes for picking on Nao. Seems apologies and laughter lasted during the song XD

Bobby: I hope you'll get better when Joshima comes back!
Bobby apologizes to the listeners this time, and TETSUYA says Joshima will be back soon so the listeners don't have to be patient much longer.

They then team-apologize (with laughter) to the audience for the ending.

nanani 's Comment
That's it! Completely ridiculous radio is completely ridiculous ^-^

By the way everyone, it was just announced that our dear Banana will be on IENOMI!! at the end of this month, specifically on 9/27 (thursday) at 22:50.
Yes, -that- IENOMI!!, Takanori's streaming web show~~
Right between their respective birthdays, too.
Fruit weeks are Fruity.

TETSUYA on nicoraji 2012.09.12

TETSUYA on nicoraji 2012.09.12

Screencaps & translations :
nanani 's twitter & tumbler
And thanks to :
leslouille for the original download
This picture are Sketch from TETSUYA's appearance on short nicoradio interview. And the fact it was really short at the bottom * LOL * ( hyaaaa!! really "EPIC" view (>/////<) #plakk#)

Video Link Download:

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Tetsuya Profile

Tetsu Ogawa (Tetsuya) 
born in : Shiga, October 3rd,1969
in L'Arc~en~Ciel as : Leader, Bassist, and Backing Vocal
in Tetsu 69 before changes into TETSUYA (Side Project) as : Vocalist
Marital Status : Marriage with Ayana Sakai

Tetsuya Interview at Gocha Maze Part 4

Gocha Maze!
Credit to:

Post-Inazuma GOCHA!!

Bobby does the intro, as "Welcome to Bobby's room!"

Bobby and his two "guests" are still doing the whole show.
Or so it seems!
Joshima arrives just a minute or so less.

Joshima: I wasn't sure what to do when I saw Bobby sitting in my seat.

TETSUYA: He took over the show.

Joshima asks how it went and who the guests were, but gets conflicting information. TETSUYA says "Don't ask about the guests!" while Bobby tries to explain that he and Nao WERE the guests XD

Then Bobby gets smart and blames all the chaos on "TETSUKO-SAN" who was uncooperative and only talked while the songs were playing :p

Nao: Every time I tried to talk Bobby kept talking over the conversation.

Bobby: But it's TETSUYA-san's fault!
TETSUYA: It's because we're so close!

Bobby also explains about last week with the fireworks rakugo and how he got his feelings hurt by Banana. Who acts innocent.

Joshima: I want to get the guest treatment too.

He sounds impressed at how much they talked with just the three of them being there.
TETSUYA: I wonder what the listeners think...
Bobby: I'm glad you're here, the listeners will be glad to have you as a guest.

Bobby then starts interviewing Joshima, who claims to be a rice farmer who gets up at 5 am to work outside in the fresh air all day.

Bobby: You're a lot like TETSUYA-san.
Joshima: Yeah, I'm trying to cultivate a deserted island now.

Bobby asks what he does on the weekends, and Joshima answers "grocery shopping. all weekend long."

Joshima: I make curry then freeze it to last the whole week.

Bobby then asks the "guests" if they watched the soccer and it dissolves into laughter as they aren't sure which of them he was asking.

TETSUYA saw the game against Nigeria that Bobby was interested in.
TETSUYA: Which team do you cheer for, Bobby?
Bobby: Japan of course.
TETSUYA: Eh? Really?

Since it's women's soccer and Japan is more involved in it, he cheers the Japanese team.

It's more important on a world level to have Japan do well, according to Bobby.

Apparently soccer is the only sport that's popular in Nigeria, but even that doesn't extend to the women's team very much.

Bobby: Why do we always talk about me?

Joshima: Because we don't know anything about Nigeria so we're interested in your stories.

For proof, they ask him to reverse the question. Of course, all three of them like Japan :p

It's revealed that Bobby doesn't get much work with TV because he's terrible about sticking to the scripts.

TETSUYA: That's why you're perfect for radio.
They point out to him that MBS has something like 1/3rd of all the radio listeners in Japan (and it's just a local Kansai station, not broadcast in other areas!) so being an MBS radio personality is really cool.

Then Joshima and TETSUYA reminice about programs they used to listen to and Bobby laughs.

Bobby will become a part of the local culture, at least for this time slot.

They then end up talking about the many nuances of "Daijoubu" and how it can be used even when things are definitely not OK.

(I think the same is true of many languages. "It's fine" in the right tone means "it's definitely NOT fine")

Then Bobby's phone rings XD They reprimand him for having it on during the show, but he says it's the fault of the person who called him.

Bobby: OF course it's not my fault! What do you guys do?
TETSUYA: I turn it off.
Joshima: I leave it outside.
Bobby sounds honestly surprised to hear that. Apparently the call was from family in Nigeria, so they decide that he can call back (we even hear staff tell him so) during the show ^^

Bobby: Is it really OK? I won't be talking in Japanese...

They all say it's OK so he calls.
TETSUYA "interprets".
TETSUYA: Porn, Porn~ It's about porn.

The call is brief, and Bobby then explains that he was saying "ello, ello", not "ero ero" and told the person that he was in the middle of a show and would call back.

They accept that and go to a song.

- random song -

Fanmail time! Bobby directs Nao to read it and everyone laughs at his strange voice ^^;

1. From a fan writing on the way back from a TOKIO live :3 They took their kid to the live and apparently the son got an autograph from Joshima the previous tour. :3

Joshima is very happy to hear about these fans. Then he realises a lot of his fans from the early days are out of school and having kids by now...

(He neither confirms nor denies remembering this particular family)

Joshima: I've even seen three generations come, like when a parent and kid were early fans and now the kid is old enough to have kids of their own.

Apparently there's a TOKIO live screening in a movie theatre coming up
They ask about L'Arc live-screenings since they've done this several times, and TETSUYA says they've all been successful.

Bobby then asks about Japanese movie manners and how nobody throws popcorn or laughs out loud in Japan.

TETSUYA: Well there's no reason to laugh in our concerts... or maybe there is, but that's OK.
(Bird: Yeah, there's ken's MCs. Always lols)

They explain to Bobby how live-screening works - the people in the movie theatre are watching the same concert as people at the concert venue, except they're doing it in a theatre instead. It's live and it's music, not a movie.

Apparently there are a lot of things TOKIO is not allowed to talk about when there's a screening like that.

Joshima: Well, this is a big one at Budokan, and a lot of important sponsors will be there so, we have to be extra careful.

Bobby: But .. what if people just decide to go to the movie theatre instead of going to your concert?

TETSUYA: Generally it's people who want to go to the concert but couldn't get tickets.
Joshima then talks about how people can't always travel to concerts, and how sometimes there are encores that only happen live so it's important to watch what you can.

They also talk about how the Do'L fans love their concerts XD

TETSUYA: The Final lives of the world tour were tough since we completely changed the setlist. It was hard on us too! But if we don't change anything it's boring for the fans.
Bobby: Where are you going on next year's world tour?
TETSUYA: Next year? There's no world tour next year... You wouldn't have the olympics every year, would you?

They then go to a song.

- TOKIO song, interrupted with flood/landslide warnings for the south part of Kansai -

More letters! Bobby instructs Joshima to read it. It's funny because Bobby is still leading XD

2. From a fan who wants to know what's going on with Bobby's movie/radio drama from a few weeks ago, and if it's happening, who would Bobby cast?

Bobby: Wow, people remember that?

TETSUYA: Well, it aired. Weren't you serious?
Bobby: Well I am.. but it's scary!

Since this happened while Joshima was away, they have to fill him in.

Bobby asks if TETSUYA will actually help out like he said.

TETSUYA: That depends, are you going to pay me? I'm an expensive, world-touring artist.
Bobby: I can pay you in friendship.
TETSUYA: Do I get to be in the movie?
Bobby: Sure.
TETSUYA: Then I'll think about it.

Bobby seems interested in having TETSUYA contribute as a sponsor, though :p

TETSUYA: So I'd have to pay you to be in the movie?!

Bobby recaps the story for Joshima's benefit (see the archives, this is from about a month ago)

TETSUYA throws around some prices for making such a movie.

Along the lines of 210 billion yen.
Bobby: .. Zimbabwe dollars?
TETSUYA: Japanese yen.
Bobby: I've never even seen a number that big!

TETSUYA: Well you know, given the story you're describing, I think it would cost a lot.

He gives out the production cost of Titanic for comparison, to make Bobby feel better :p
Other points of comparison include Pirates of the Caribbean and the like XD

TETSUYA: It might be a little cheaper since CG technology has gotten much better since then.

He explains that it's expensive, for example, to get a permit to block traffic for filming, and to rent helicopters for aerial shots, and so on.

TETSUYA: I can't see myself in a movie without helicopters.

TETSUYA then looks up how much it costs to hire some actors to decide how much to charge Bobby for his appearance in a movie XD

TETSUYA: I'll do it for about 30 billion yen 8D

Joshima then has a great cost saving suggestion: Film it on cell phones!

He is agreeable for discussing this some more next week, but now they have to go to a song.

- Fantastic Wonders -

There's an advert for a Gocha Maze/DokiDoki/PakuTama special live recording in Mie Prefecture on 10/13. (advert is read by Bobby)

It will feature Bobby, Takanori, and a bunch of people from other Gocha slots.
(Bird: That's so far out of the way... but live recording! but... but... I'LL THINK ABOUT IT)

That takes us right to the ending!

Joshima is thrown off by Bobby taking the first spot of the outro xD

Maybe it will be back to what passes for normal by next week ^^

tetsuowl : (tetsu fans)
TETSUYA "interprets".
TETSUYA: Porn, Porn~ It's about porn.


The call is brief, and Bobby then explains that he was saying "ello, ello", not "ero ero" and told the person that he was in the middle of a show and would call back

everyone had a go at saying "ello"--Nao-chan did very well, but for Banana it just kept coming our "ero" :D

TETSUYA: That depends, are you going to pay me? I'm an expensive, world-touring artist.

aww--he IS!!! and a CUTE, expensive, world-touring artist at that :D

TETSUYA: I can't see myself in a movie without helicopters.

oh most certainly. no helicopters you may as well not make the movie at all.."